Thursday, 30 July 2009

Burning a hole through my leg, via the wallet in my pocket

Money. I need lots.

This summer alone i've been offered a very nice bass stack for £800, £700 for a kitted out tour bus and holidays/festivals left, right and center. I want to do it all and, via peer pressure/wanting to have an awesome summer i've spent the vast majority of my funds on bestival, leeds festival, ATP in december and a holiday in barcelona. Oh dear. Now i'm lacking the dough for all the shit i actually need to play music in the way i want... pedals, new amps and cabs and transport... it's all very expensive.

We need to be able to illegally download physical objects as soon as possible... doable right?

A big dilemma at the moment is freshers week. I'm meant to be organising an all day gig for the tail end of the week funded entirely by my student loan, money i make over summer and whatever i find down the back of sofas and furniture.

Today i tried to book a semi-well known indie pop band to headline the show. Whilst existing somewhere in a land of spazzed brain farts and naive hope i offered a pitiful offer of a few hundred quid. I was pretty much told where to go; a fuck off and no thanks followed by the suggestion by offer was missing two very expensive zeroes from the end of the figure. I felt very much like an empty headed retard and made to feel as such. The guy i was contacted managed to do this via email. He was obviously an up himself prick but it really was a noobish error on my part. Oh dear! At least my first choice (the band i managed to offend are not them) seem pretty positive and up for it. Huzzah!

So. If you fancy sending me money, please do! If you don't, fair enough. I might just play the lottery for a bit and see what happens, if only for the "lulz".

Although, i've always had a weird thing with winning the money to buy my way into what i want to do instead of working for it. It's like playing the sims with the money cheat. It's all fun and games for the first few minutes until you throw a loved one in a pool, remove the ladder and stare out their pixels until they sink and die.

Or placing tinder-like carpets next to petrol spitting fires whilst forcing your little people into diving into the inferno until they morph into tombstones.

In short, i want more money to do my shit but i don't want to become a omnipotent sociopath with a wireless mouse, lording my edit mode over the world. Would be an interesting career choice however. Definitely a plan b.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


Since heading home for the summer from sunny sunny Scarborough i've been hit with a burst of creativity. So far i've written eight songs out of a now planned twelve piece collection of rough-as-fuck demos. All i need now is the attention span and the ability to be bothered about it so that i can get it all recorded and thrown around to the people that need to hear it.

I don't know which bands i'll be pushing my designs upon yet but i can't wait to get my stuff out there. I'll stick it on here when i have more.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009


What a better place to regurgitate my own mess than my own blog:

Violent Sky and the Lightning Kite

All three of us come from different musical backgrounds and we all retain our own individual tastes and writing directions, which is what makes playing in the band so exciting. Once we've got our shit together and tied our massively sprawling, out of control spray of ideas into a coherent strand i'll post it here proper but right no we've got a few badly recorded live recordings and jams at:

The Black Mesa Incident

The band that has existed and been on hiatus whilst being active for the last 3 years. We've been a three piece hardcore band, a five piece prog collective and a badly thought out foray into screamo. I've pretty much reclaimed the name as a little alter-ego for myself and the darker, scream-ier, more hardcore stuff i've written/am writing. The Black Mesa Incident will now be two bands existing under the same name at the same time, one based in Scarborough, the other based all over the shop and worked out via email. At the moment our myspace is rather bare. We've got two tracks up, a demo from Scarborough and "Tooth and Claw" from one of the elder Northwich branches. Expect more soon...

Florence Nightingale and the Cancer Germs/All My Eyes and Betty Martin

Pretty much the same deal as Black Mesa but a less-hardcore home for random musical scribblings spat out by my mind.

Sunday, 19 July 2009


It's been a long, long time since my first post. You may recall an obtusely sized scatter gun attempt at a follow up made up of an essay i handed in for uni and fan boi enthusing about La Quiete, and that's quite enough of that. Not that i don't enthuse about La Quiete because i do, a lot, i just feel this blog such begin to take a more constructive, creative and far more maintained bent.

First off, bare basics out of the way. I'm back in Northwich, home of the interesting and the few. Got me a job down Bunbery way potwashing for a princely price with tips. Not bad. I have a friend to thank of course and it was sheer luck i got it. Handy that really.

Besides potwashing my way into the black whilst spending my way into the red (a leeds ticket, new amp and just generally being a reluctant but active bitch-slave to the consumer sandwich that is the spending sprees just to get by), i have been attempting to understand the faint but very real misogyny within. Now i'm not classing myself as a woman hating sadist who believes the enwombed's rightful place is in the kitchen, far from it. Or am i? Ever since i can remember i've always aimed to be for equality. I've had my moments as we all do and i'm in no way saying that, up until recently, i thought of myself as a paragon of truth, justice and virtue, i just can't help but feel a nag in my head that has unlocked a few dark hidden home truths.