Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Scarboro'geddon and the Scarborough music scene

the dust has settled.

on saturday i put on a 1pm till 1am all dayer headlined by pulled apart by horses who were brilliant. helsinki seven, mum locked in castle, cassini, lover octave, everyone an army, kitchen girls and missionary were all also excellent. the night didn't quite break even but we had a lot of fun putting it on and i hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

monday also saw the first of our new monday nights at quids inn. it went alright-ish. missionary pulled a fair crowd which my friends, leeds band antares, decimated. they weren't bad, far from it! quids inn just wasn't ready for it. cassini and olivine saved the day though and brought the masses back.

the antares set put a lot of things in perspective for me. the whole reason i wanted to start putting on gigs in scarborough was so that i could bring mental, exciting stuff to the town that may or may not be challenging at times. i was never in this purely for the sake a night which is, at the moment, what it feels like. every week we'll be barely managing to scrape a line up together and it's just a big incoherent mess. pretty harsh considering it was only our first gig and we did bring 130 people through the door, i know, but i'm sure i can put on something a bit wilder, a bit darker perhaps, in a more focussed space than a bar coated in mirror balls. i want sweaty rooms packed out with people all belonging to a scene or something approaching it. a night that people will come down to even if non of their mates are playing, purely for the music. i know it's a big ask but i don't feel like i can make it happen at quids with scarboro'geddon and it looks like i'm gonna have to walk the plank.

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