Saturday, 3 January 2009

Chapter One: Genesis

In the beginning there was man. A man with a disheveled beard and a dodgy haircut, tired of using msn file transfers and sordo to spread the sound of Screamo to all his friends. He decided to start a blog to rant and rave about all his favorite bands and generally compile his thoughts on random happenings.

He didn't want to come across all preachy and evangelical and soon realised that writing in a faux-biblical style with genesis in the posting title was counterproductive to his goals.

He dropped using the 3rd person and everything.

Bit of a background; i've been into "music" from since i can remember but around the age of 9 or 10 something clicked inside my head and i suddenly acquired a vague sketch of exactly the sort of music i craved to hear. I started off with the usual commerical pop-punk shennagins of Blink and Sum 41 (i've always hated Green Day). After the briefest of metal phases (it all just seemed a bit daft and pretensious like bastardised theatre) a friend got me into AFI and I found my way into hardcore and more. Bands like At The Drive-In, Glassjaw, Thursday, Alexisonfire, SiKth, Converge etc. etc. they all made my ears do summasaults (they still do!) but I still hadn't found the "sound" I was searching for.

My ears were like metal detectors picking out bands like road signs. I slipped in and out of subgenres and styles trying to find this holy grail genre my brain had envisioned. It took me nearly a decade to bump into exactly what i was looking for. I found it on the internet on a forum set up to adore The Fall Of Troy ( if you're interested)where we did anything but. Thanks to a couple of conversations, I was introduced to what real Screamo sounds like and satisfyed the persistant musical nag thats annoyed by head since I was 9.

So now im at university studying music technology, finally able to try and weave a footnote for myself on the long, long tapastry of music with my own music that hopefully will get me somewhere but if it doesn't then what? I'm thinking of writing about music whether I succeed in my dreams or not. I've always enjoyed it. That and promoting gigs, perhaps working for a record label or something. This blog will probably be littered with gig listings/reviews in the very near future from nights i'm going to be putting on in Scarborough (im at Hull University but their music tech course is at a different campus) and i'm attempting to squeeze my way onto the student radio station for a audio adaptation of this blog and it's contents (more the musical side of things that my freehand random rantings).

My two main goals with this blog, if I have any at all, is to try and pull like minded people together and introduce some very alternative music to people who may not have heard it yet.

And I promise. No more weird third person things to kick stuff off. I had to blow away the mandatory cobwebs somehow!

Thanks for reading. More soon.

Currently listening to: Louise Cyphre - Revolver A.K.A. Schall And Rauch

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